Getting a new puppy? Check out these 5 steps!

Getting a new puppy? Check out these 5 steps!

Are you about to have a new puppy in your life? A new puppy needs attention, care, love, and most importantly, patience! Obtaining a new pet in your life means a responsibility that you must take on for the next 10-15 years. You’ll have to provide training sessions, grooming appointments, and vet checkups. It is important to note that caring for your new fur friend starts with providing a safe and cozy environment. Must puppies go home by the 8th week after their birth. Therefore, if you are picking up your puppy from a well-known breeder, you should follow the next five steps to get ready for the big day.
  1.  Getting to know some fun facts and about your puppy breed. It is important to know the breed of your pet because you will understand a little more of his/her needs, cues, and body language/expressions. It is also helpful because you know what to expect in terms of his/her coat, illnesses, and type of food that you should provide to your pet.
  2. Once you understand your pet’s origins, you should focus on the big day! The big day is a day to be remembered, but please make sure your new puppy has a safe trip back to his/her forever home. You can easily do this by obtaining a crate with one of our Happy Hounds Pet Products – Crate Pads in it. You can place your puppy inside the crate and he/she will be comfortable and cozy with our Crate Pads. Don’t forget to bring a toy (or two) and of course, food, water, and some paper towels, plastic bags, and odor neutralizer in case your puppy has an accident.
  3. Once you are at home you want to make sure your puppy is in a safe environment. Your house must be free clutter because you don’t want any accidents to happen to your puppy that may need a visit to the vet. Make sure all electric cords are picked up and that not food particles are being dropped that can cause an urgent treatment to your fur friend.
  4. Make sure your puppy stays at home and is being supervised by an adult to make sure the puppy is always doing well. When your puppy is inside, he/she does not need to sleep only on the crate pad. You can also provide a safe cuddling space by buying one of our sherpa and microfiber Happy Hounds Pet Beds.
  5. Training system? Before picking up your puppy you should know what training system you’ll be using. You can opt for structured in-person classes, private lessons, self-training, online classes. Pick the one that works for you and your family. Your family needs to be included in all decisions regarding your new pet as this pet will for sure become a new member of your family!
Have more tips to share with us?! Let us know in the comments here or by following us on our social sites at @HappyHoundsPetProducts

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